Главная » Ява скрипты » Линки переливаются по вертикали


<title>Линки автоматически переливаются цветом</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251">
<style type="text/css">

body { background-color:#ffcc77; font-family:"Verdana", sans-serif; font-size:20px; font-weight:bold;}

a.links{ font-family:"Verdana", sans-serif; font-size:20px; line-height:30px; color:black; text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold;}

a.links:active { color:black; }

a.links:hover { }



<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

function enHex(aDigit)
  return("0123456789ABCDEF".substring(aDigit, aDigit+1))
// convert a hex digit into decimal
function deHex(aDigit)
// Convert a 24bit number to hex
function toHex(n)
  return (enHex((0xf00000 & n) >> 20) +
  enHex((0x0f0000 & n) >> 16) +
  enHex((0x00f000 & n) >> 12) +
  enHex((0x000f00 & n) >> 8) +
  enHex((0x0000f0 & n) >> 4) +
  enHex((0x00000f & n) >> 0))
// Convert a six character hex to decimal
function toDecimal(hexNum)
  var tmp = ""+hexNum.toUpperCase()
  while (tmp.length < 6) tmp = "0"+tmp
  return ((deHex(tmp.substring(0,1)) << 20) +
  (deHex(tmp.substring(1,2)) << 16) +  
  (deHex(tmp.substring(2,3)) << 12) +
  (deHex(tmp.substring(3,4)) << 8) +
  (deHex(tmp.substring(4,5)) << 4) +
///////////////////Shimmering Links/////////////////////
//global variables
var hoverColour
var numLinks;
var rate;
var numFadeLevels;
var bgR;
var bgG;
var bgB;
var currR;
var currG;
var currB;
var count;
var fadeOut;
var continuous;
var newColour;
var tID;
var redInterval;
var greenInterval;
var blueInterval;
function initLinks(mouseOverColour, numberOfLinks, fadeOutColour)
  hoverColour = mouseOverColour;
  numLinks = numberOfLinks;
  rate = 1;
  numFadeLevels = 30;
  function initArray(theArray, length, val)
  theArray[i] = val;
  bgR = '0000' + fadeOutColour.substring(1,3)
  bgG = '0000' + fadeOutColour.substring(3,5)
  bgB = '0000' + fadeOutColour.substring(5,7)
  currR = new Array(numLinks);
  currG = new Array(numLinks);
  currB = new Array(numLinks);
  count = new Array(numLinks);
  fadeOut = new Array(numLinks);
  continuous = new Array(numLinks);
  newColour = new Array(numLinks);
  tID = new Array(numLinks);
  redInterval = toDecimal(bgR) / numFadeLevels;
  greenInterval = toDecimal(bgG) / numFadeLevels;
  blueInterval = toDecimal(bgB) / numFadeLevels;
function startFade(id)
  if(fadeOut[id] == true)
  { /*move colour towards background colour (increment)*/
  currR[id] += redInterval;
  currG[id] += greenInterval;
  currB[id] += blueInterval;
  newColour[id] = '#' + (toHex(currR[id])).substring(4,6) + (toHex(currG[id])).substring(4,6) + (toHex(currB[id])).substring(4,6);
  if(++count[id] == numFadeLevels)
  fadeOut[id] = false;
  currR[id] -= redInterval;
  currG[id] -= greenInterval;
  currB[id] -= blueInterval;
  newColour[id] = '#' + (toHex(currR[id])).substring(4,6) + (toHex(currG[id])).substring(4,6) + (toHex(currB[id])).substring(4,6);
  if(--count[id] == 0)
  fadeOut[id] = true;
  if(continuous[id] == true)
  document.getElementById(id).style.color = newColour[id];  
  document.getElementById(id).style.color = hoverColour;
  tID[id]=setTimeout('startFade(' + id + ')', rate);
function continueFade(id)
  continuous[id] = true;
function stopFade(id)
  continuous[id] = false;
function StartTimers()
{ //set up an initial set of timers to start the shimmering effect
  for(id=0; id<numLinks; id++)
  t=setTimeout('startFade(' + id + ')', id*100);
//format = initLinks('mouse-over colour', 'number of links', 'fade-out colour')
initLinks('#FFFFFF', 6, '#FFCC77');
<a class="links" id="0" onmouseover="stopFade('0');" onmouseout="continueFade('0');" href="http://www.javascriptsource.com/">JavaScriptSource</a>
<a class="links" id="1" onmouseover="stopFade('1');" onmouseout="continueFade('1');" href="http://www.javascript.com/">JavaScript.com</a>
<a class="links" id="2" onmouseover="stopFade('2');" onmouseout="continueFade('2');" href="http://www.javascripts.com/">JavaScripts</a>
<a class="links" id="3" onmouseover="stopFade('3');" onmouseout="continueFade('3');" href="http://javaboutique.internet.com/">JavaBoutique</a>
<a class="links" id="4" onmouseover="stopFade('4');" onmouseout="continueFade('4');" href="http://wdvl.internet.com/">Web Developers Virtual Library</a>
<a class="links" id="5" onmouseover="stopFade('5');" onmouseout="continueFade('5');" href="http://www.webdevelopersjournal.com/">WebDevelopersJournal</a>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
setTimeout('StartTimers()', 1000); //initial 1 second delay to allow page to load and ensure smooth shimmering

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