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1. Company
Вот этот код, это текст и оформление нашего пункта: Текст измените на свой
<section id="intro">
<h1>Mega Scripts Studios<small>®</small></h1>
<p class="subtag"><em>special for ucoz</em></p>
<p class="desc">A Creative Consultancy</p>
<p class="date"><em>Start</em> 2011</p>
<p class="address">
<em>Design Studios</em>
<p class="location">Phoenix, Arizona</p>
<section id="company">
<div class="desc">
<div class="col-1">
is a creative and design consultancy based in Phoenix, Arizona. The firm is owned and operated by Nicolas Hower and Kory Kapfer.</p>
<p>Our job is to tell your story in the most compelling manner possible. That means everything from branding, print design, web and interactive design, architectural renderings, video presentations, legal analysis, animation, eMarketing, public relations and social media programs — everything including the Kitchen Sink.<span>*</span></p>
<div class="col-2">
<p>When you have the right tools to tell your story, you get great results. We take pride in helping our clients grow, thrive and prosper. And we enjoy the relationships we build along the way.</p>
<p>We are a truly collaborative team, both when we work in the studio and when we work with our clients. We approach each project and assignment with the goal of making it as good as it can possibly be. We love our company, we love our work and we love the satisfaction of making our clients happy.</p>
<strong><span>*</span>And no, we don’t sell sinks.</strong>
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<div id="image-samples">
<ul id="list-1">
<li class="first">
<a href="#solarwing"><img src="http://www.kitchensinkstudios.com/projects/solarwing/screenshot-solarwing.jpg" alt="screenshot-solarwing" width="344" height="230" /></a>
<li class="second">
<a href="#waveyard"><img src="http://www.kitchensinkstudios.com/projects/waveyard/screenshot-waveyard.jpg" alt="screenshot-waveyard" width="344" height="230" /></a>
<li class="third">
<a href="#jokake"><img src="http://www.kitchensinkstudios.com/projects/jokake/screenshot-jokake.jpg" alt="screenshot-jokake" width="344" height="230" /></a>
<li class="fourth">
<a href="#helicoptertragedy"><img src="http://www.kitchensinkstudios.com/projects/helicoptertragedy/screenshot-helicopter-tragedy.jpg" alt="screenshot-helicopter-tragedy" width="344" height="230" /></a>
<h3>Helicopter Tragedy</h3>
<ul id="list-2">
<li class="first">
<a href="#legends"><img src="http://www.kitchensinkstudios.com/projects/legends/screenshot-legends.jpg" alt="screenshot-legends" width="344" height="230" /></a>
<li class="second">
<a href="#linthicum"><img src="http://www.kitchensinkstudios.com/projects/linthicum/screenshot-linthicum.jpg" alt="screenshot-linthicum" width="344" height="230" /></a>
<li class="third">
<a href="#santamonica"><img src="http://www.kitchensinkstudios.com/projects/santamonica/screenshot-santa-monica.jpg" alt="screenshot-santa-monica" width="344" height="230" /></a>
<h3>Santa Monica</h3>
<li class="fourth">
<a href="#hillandhill"><img src="http://www.kitchensinkstudios.com/projects/hillandhill/screenshot-hill-and-hill.jpg" alt="screenshot-hill-and-hill" width="344" height="230" /></a>
<h3>Hill and Hill</h3>
<ul id="list-3">
<li class="first">
<a href="#saltworks"><img src="http://www.kitchensinkstudios.com/projects/saltworks/screenshot-saltworks.jpg" alt="screenshot-saltworks" width="344" height="230" /></a>
<li class="second">
<a href="#arcus"><img src="projects/arcus/screenshot-arcus.jpg" alt="screenshot-arcus" width="344" height="230" /></a>
<li class="third">
<a href="#superdupers"><img src="projects/superdupers/screenshot-super-dupers.jpg" alt="screenshot-super-dupers" width="344" height="230" /></a>
<h3>Super Dupers</h3>
<li class="fourth">
<a href="#elseif"><img src="http://www.kitchensinkstudios.com/projects/elseif/screenshot-el-seif.jpg" alt="screenshot-el-seif" width="344" height="230" /></a>
<h3>El Seif</h3>
<ul id="list-4">
<li class="first">
<a href="#giantcoffee"><img src="http://www.kitchensinkstudios.com/projects/giantcoffee/screenshot-giant-coffee.jpg" alt="screenshot-giant-coffee" width="344" height="230" /></a>
<h3>Giant Coffee</h3>
<li class="second">
<a href="#austinplanetarium"><img src="http://www.kitchensinkstudios.com/projects/austinplanetarium/screenshot-austin-planetarium.jpg" alt="screenshot-austin-planetarium" width="344" height="230" /></a>
<h3>Austin Planetarium</h3>
<li class="third">
<a href="#estrella"><img src="http://www.kitchensinkstudios.com/projects/estrella/screenshot-estrella.jpg" alt="screenshot-estrella" width="344" height="230" /></a>
<li class="fourth">
<a href="#renderings"><img src="http://www.kitchensinkstudios.com/projects/renderings/screenshot-renderings.jpg" alt="screenshot-renderings" width="344" height="230" /></a>
<ul id="list-5">
<li class="first">
<a href="#zella"><img src="http://www.kitchensinkstudios.com/projects/zella/screenshot-zella.jpg" alt="screenshot-zella" width="344" height="230" /></a>
<h3>Zella Day</h3>
<li class="second">
<a href="#crisalli"><img src="http://www.kitchensinkstudios.com/projects/crisalli/screenshot-crisalli.jpg" alt="screenshot-crisalli" width="344" height="230" /></a>
<li class="third">
<a href="#enr2"><img src="http://www.kitchensinkstudios.com/projects/enr2/screenshot-enr2.jpg" alt="screenshot-enr2" width="344" height="230" /></a>
<li class="fourth">
<a href="#kssposter"><img src="http://www.kitchensinkstudios.com/projects/kssposter/screenshot-kss-poster.jpg" alt="screenshot-kss-poster" width="344" height="230" /></a>
<h3>KSS Poster</h3>
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<em class="ribbon">Give us a call to see how we can help you.</em>
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3. History
Это наш блок History, ставим, куда хотите:
<section id="history">
<div id="company-hero">
<p>thirteen years in the making...</p>
<p><em>AND</em> we’ve enjoyed every minute of it!</p>
<p class="tag">Blood, Sweat <em>&</em> Tears</p>
<div class="desc">
<div class="col-1">
<p>In 1999, Nick Hower and Kory Kapfer realized that there was a need in this world for more great design and creative work. So they launched Kitchen Sink Studios in Nick’s garage on a shoestring budget.</p>
<blockquote><span><em class="left-quote">"</em>If we were going to do this,
we were going to do it right. And that’s carried over into everything we do...<em>”</em></span></blockquote>
<p>"Kory wore a tie to work the first couple of weeks,” Nick tells us. "I was like, ‘Kory, we’re working in the garage!’” But his point was that if we were going to do this, we were going to do it right. And that’s carried over into everything we do.<span>*</span></p>
<p>The business grew quickly, as did the list of services the studio provides. Before long, Kitchen Sink Studios was a full-fledged creative firm, providing everything from branding and identity to renderings and animation.</p>
<div><strong><span>*</span>Kory denies the tie thing.</strong></div>
<div class="col-2">
<p>In 2006, Kitchen Sink Studios bought its current home on the corner of 3rd Street and Garfield in downtown Phoenix. In 2007, the company completely gutted the buildings and renovated it into the working studio you see today.</p>
<blockquote><span><em class="left-quote">"</em>We’ve been lucky to work
with great people, both on
our team and with the clients we’ve served...<em>”</em></span></blockquote>
<p>If you’ve seen our front gate, you know that our "sign” is made up of about 8,000 bottlecaps. The bottlecaps went up in 2009. </p>
<p>"It’s been a great partnership, and we’re really proud of the company,” Kory said. "We’ve been lucky to work with great people, both on our team over the years and with the clients we’ve served.”</p>
<p>If you’d like to hear the rest of the story, stop by our office for a beverage and we’ll be glad to share.</p>
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4. Services
Это услуги вашего сайта и тд, ставим где хотим видеть
<section id="services">
<ul id="service-icons">
<li id="service-branding">
<p>Put your best foot forward
from the get-go</p>
<li id="service-photography">
<p>See the world in a way you’ve never seen it before</p>
<li id="service-writing">
<h3>Creative Writing</h3>
<p>Maybe not Faulkner or Vonnegut, but close</p>
<li id="service-print-design">
<h3>Print Design</h3>
<p>Bring your story to life on
the printed page</p>
<li id="service-illustration">
<p>We create stunning visual representations</p>
<li id="service-legal-analysis">
<h3>Legal Analysis</h3>
<p>Groundbreaking ways of presenting legal arguments</p>
<li id="service-3d-modeling">
<p>The closest you can get to
reality without it being real</p>
<li id="service-video">
<h3>Video Production</h3>
<p>Captivating video for TV,
web and big screen</p>
<li id="service-web-design">
<h3>Web Design</h3>
<p>Interactive, intelligent and beautiful web experiences</p>
<li id="service-social-media">
<h3>Social Media</h3>
<p>Connect directly with
your target audiences</p>
<li id="service-marketing">
<p>We can help you sell
your product or idea</p>
<li id="service-comming-soon">
<h3>Coming Soon...</h3>
<p>Kitchen Sink is expanding our talent pool. Stay tuned.</p>
<p class="desc"><em>AND</em> just about anything else you
can think of that requires a little creativity.</p>
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5. Social
Этот код стаив там, где будем ссылаться на социальные сети:
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<span>Click to Visit</span>
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<span>Find Us On</span>
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<span>Watch Us on</span>
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6. Contact
Ставим там, где будут ваши контакты:
<section id="contact">
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<div class="col-2">
<span class="street">North Third Street</span>
<span class="city">Phoenix, AZ</span>
<span class="zip">85004-2032</span>
<div class="email-us">
<h3>written inquiries may be sent to</h3>
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<div class="join-us">
<span class="love">We love to</span>
<span class="meet">meet new people.</span>
<span class="drink">join us for a drink</span>
<span class="bar">at any local downtown pub.</span>
<div class="base">
<p>© <script type="text/javascript">copyright=new Date();update=copyright.getFullYear();document.write(update);</script> Kitchen Sink Studios</p>
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